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Обзоры Caspio и сведения о продукте

Обзор Каспио
Что такое Каспио?

Caspio — это ведущая платформа без программирования, предназначенная для создания онлайн-приложений баз данных без необходимости программирования. Будучи универсальной платформой, она предоставляет все необходимое для цифрового преобразования операций в понятные и простые для понимания рабочие процессы. Он также включает в себя интегрированную облачную базу данных, визуальный конструктор приложений, функции безопасности корпоративного уровня и гарантированное соответствие нормативным требованиям.

Компания Каспио, ООО
Год основания 2000
Размер компании сотрудники 51-200
Штаб-квартира Саннивейл, Калифорния, США
Категории Каспио на Findstack
Логотип Кревио
$ 29.00 / месяц
Crevio — это платформа, на которой создатели контента могут продавать цифровые продукты, услуги, курсы и получать доступ к другим... Узнайте больше о Кревио
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Для чего лучше всего подходит Каспио?
Чем Caspio отличается от Glide?
Каковы плюсы и минусы Каспио?
Подробная информация о продукте Каспио
Малый бизнес
Средний рынок
развертывание Облако / SaaS / веб-интерфейс
Поддержка Круглосуточно (живой представитель), чат, электронная почта/служба поддержки, часто задаваемые вопросы/форум, база знаний, поддержка по телефону
Обучение Документация
Языков Английский
Особенности Каспио
Интеграция API
Аналитика и отчетность
Развертывание приложений
Автоматизированные рабочие процессы
Условная логика
Поддержка пользовательского домена
Пользовательские сценарии
Настраиваемый дизайн
Интеграция данных
Управление базами данных
Интерфейс перетаскивания
Уведомления по электронной почте
Form Builder
Разработка мобильных приложений
Предварительный просмотр на нескольких устройствах
Интеграция платежного шлюза
Готовые шаблоны
Всплывающее уведомление
Сотрудничество в режиме реального времени
Адаптивный дизайн
Ролевое управление доступом
Инструменты SEO
Совместное использование шаблонов
Сторонние интеграции
Аутентификация пользователя
Управление пользователями
Контроль версий
Visual Workflow Builder
Разработка веб-приложений
Интеграция электронной коммерции
Каспио Медиа
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Каспио Скриншоты
Условия использования
Наше исследование основано на различных авторитетных источниках и предназначено для предоставления общих рекомендаций. Мы не гарантируем, что наши предложения будут лучше всего работать для каждого варианта использования, поэтому при выборе продуктов и услуг учитывайте свои уникальные потребности. Не стесняйтесь поделиться своим Обратная связь.
Последнее обновление: февраль 18, 2025
Логотип Caspio
138 Caspio Отзывы
4.5 из 5
Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
23 января, 2024
Общий рейтинг:
Команда Б.
«Исключительная поддержка развития»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Low Code database solution with development support that is second to nove in my opinion.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

No reverse Engineering so a little difficult to track variables etc

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Quick low hours development time with web based applications

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
Декабрь 28, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Линда Дж.
«Большой или маленький: Каспио делает тяжелую работу!»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I have a pretty broad background in software development (40 years). What I didn't have was the current skills to work and develop in a web-based environment, so I knew I couldn't develop on my own. Caspio was the perfect marriage for me. Using their framework, technology, and solution approach of No-code/Low-code, I was able to meet my goals and objectives and hit the ground running! I took my knowledge of data, databases, and SQL, and easily constructed my application foundation. In some applications this would have been time consuming. In Caspio, I was able to import my tables from my prototype, configure a few fields and was off and running. By day three I was building interfaces. They came together quickly because my foundation (my data structure) was in place. I don't know what the average sized application is within Caspio, but I do know that my application is considered large and complex. As of today, I have 95 tables and 114 data pages. Within a couple of weeks I could zip around the various aspects of the product, identifing what needed to be modified. If I got stuck, Caspio has one of the best communities I have ever worked with on any product I have ever used. It's called the Forum. You can search and usually find what you're looking for. If not, then post a question and within hours and up to maybe a day, someone will respond. Even now I go to the Forum. But better than that, they have a Customer Service team that actually answers right away! And usually provides an answer within the hour. You don't get this level of service with other application provider.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

1. You cannot iteratively save your work. When you save your datapage it immediately goes live whether you are ready for it or not. If you have a change that spans multiple pages, you may break your application. 2. There isn't a clean way to color code numbers or values. I have found ways to do it (sometimes within the confines of the datapage: virtual field), but when virtual fields are not available, then coding must be used, and depending on the type of datapage, different coding is required. Most of my custom code supports coding for negative numbers).

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

My business is MyDietMadeReal.com. It is a new approach to supporting the nutrient and nutritional requirements for individuals with Dietary conditions like Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Hypertension, to name a few. I needed a solution that could primarily do two things: 1) Handle large amounts of data (our Foods table has over a million records in it) and 2) Render the data dynamically based on a user's profile, conditions, and diet quickly in real time. All without the Member knowing the complexity of what is happening behind the scene. Caspio does this. And they do this extreemly well.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
Декабрь 26, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Мара Сесилия М.
ИТ консультант
«Полная свобода и лучшая служба поддержки клиентов»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I have been using Caspio since 2021. My apps are super solid and have been runnig since day one without any kind of problems. I like the freedom that I got from being able to build my ideas on my own. Everything is intuitive and easy to use. You have several types of customer support: an Online chat while you are building your app, a support ticket center for technical queries, and you can even contact your customer manager for bigger issues. In each case you will be dealing with highly skilled professionals.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Sometimes I would like that the plan I am subscribed to had a higher average of records per datapage. But I have been able to make it work nevertheless. I am sad that they will stop supporting mdb files.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

I commercialize an ERP software of my own. Despite having a growing client list, I still have a limited budget that does not allow me to hire coders when these clients request for extra software tools to process info from my ERP . So with Caspio I can build apps myself whenever those requests arrive.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
06 ноября, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Родни С.
«Обслуживание клиентов на высшем уровне!»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

You are able to hit the ground running with this product. There are incredible videos, tutorials, and other online resources that cover nearly everything you could possible need. And when you can't find the video/tutorial to answer your question... Caspio's incredible Customer Service team is there for you. You're assigned a customer representative the minute you joion and they truly are their to ensure your success. Samanta was our Customer Rep and she was absolutley best in class.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

It is not as simple as "uploading your excel spreadsheet". But once you go through the tutorials and lean on your customer representavite... they will get you set up.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio has helped us turn a very detailed Excel spreadsheet and calculations into an easy to use and read web form.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
сентябрь 21, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Герзин О.
«Надежная платформа, которая способствовала созданию, развитию и настройке нашего проекта».
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Thanks to the clear tutorials and the platform's intuitiveness, we were able to develop and launch our project in record time. We crafted a comprehensive development for end-users, administrators, and decision-makers, each logging into their unique environment with specific information based on their access credentials, all interconnected.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

One challenge we encountered was guiding our users through the setup of their mobile devices to seamlessly access the development we implemented. Specifically, it was necessary to adjust certain settings in browsers like CHROME or SAFARI to ensure hassle-free sign-in.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Having a proven system that streamlined the initiation, development, and customization of our project to meet specific requirements has led to significant savings in both time and development costs. This has spared us extended programming periods, enabling a swifter and more efficient rollout. Moreover, it has ensured secure operations for both users and the organization, thanks to its robust security measures that ward off unauthorized access or data breaches.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
сентябрь 05, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Чак Х.
«Caspio — это мощная и гибкая платформа для создания веб-сайта, управляемого данными».
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

For an experienced database developer like myself, the platform has allowed the development of a robust data backend for my website. But for an inexperienced developer, the tutorials provide all the needed information to move from concept to completion.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

I wish the payment integration were available at a lower cost threshold.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Access to a data platform for my educational website

Средний рынок (51–1000 эт.)
Август 09, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Эдуардо П. аватар
Эдуардо П.
Руководитель операций, обучение
«Дружественный, интуитивно понятный инструмент для создания индивидуального решения бизнес-задачи»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Caspio provides a great environment that combines a user friendly relational database system, with web forms you can easily set up with pre-made templates, and gives you the ability to automate tasks by building scripts (tasks) and triggered actions with their low-code interface. I have very limited experience in coding and I was able to build a solution to my first problem in a few hours. Then, given the success of my first application, now we have built other applications that have simplified my team's day-by-day operations and even other teams have asked us to build solutions for them. I was able to build my own custom-made solution at a very small fraction the cost (yearly) that an external vendor quoted to my company for a similar custom-made solution.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

While Caspio's built-in templates are great and we're normally ok to go with them, sometimes we'd like to customize views a bit and the interface for customizing/localizing information can get a bit overwhelming. Still, the solution is highly customizable.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio allowed us to automate a few business processes by giving our client direct access to the information they need through a web form. Caspio's database, tasks and triggered actions allow us to have our data organized and updated. Our application have significantly reduced the workload in my team (and 2 others) and converted on of our most time-consuming tasks into something we don't even think about regularly.

Средний рынок (51–1000 эт.)
Август 04, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Эслам С.
«Caspio – один из лидеров рынка»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

The easy support for my needs, I like how I can connect with databases and how I can easy develop applications

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

There is no much I don't dislike for, but I wish if te price lower.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Solve the problems of creating forms and how we can connect it to tables in very easy way

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
Июль 03, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Лаура С.
«Большой опыт Caspio в качестве заказчика и сертифицированного разработчика»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I like how easy it is to use, the agile and resolutive they are when we have a doubt or incidence.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Sometimes the interlocution in English for such technical themes becomes a bit difficult, but they have already added to new Spanish -speaking employees. But for the rest of things they are perfect.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

We focus on HR departments, so we solve almost any problem, digitize workflows of permits requests, vacations, day records, climate surveys, performance evaluations...

Средний рынок (51–1000 эт.)
Июнь 26, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Саймон В. аватар
Саймон В.
Менеджер по операционным ИТ-решениям
«Быстрая и простая разработка баз данных и приложений через Интернет с отличными возможностями внешнего подключения»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I like the power that Caspio puts in the hands of even non-programmers. Its easy to use and sensibly controlled to ensure that even those with little or no IT skills can produce something wonderful and solve real business problems very quickly

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Caspio is continuously improving, however, some of its backend admin pages could be slightly more up to date to make full use of modern screen sizes

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

I have been using Caspio for almost 10 years and have used it to solve lots of business application challenges such CSU portals, Planning Tools, Continuous Improvement Apps, Surveys, and Customer facing Operational data portals. Our largest application project now has circa 150 datapages and 116 distributed users

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
30 мая 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Клэй Дж.
«Caspio стал для нас потрясающей платформой»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

We were able to build a very feature-rich website that allows those in our industry to easily search, review and update a member directory easily. The Caspio platform made it easy to quickly add and enhance that functionality based on feedback from our users. Since then, we have built several apps for internal staff use, to enhance their ability to find member records and organization records. We're using Tray.io as an integration tool to automatically sync our main CRM database to Caspio on a regular basis. That's working well too. The training resources, articles and community forums have been excellent for learning the platform. It's rare for me to not figure out a way to accomplish what I need in Caspio.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

I'd love the ability to schedule an export in Google sheet format. Currently, I can only export in Excel, Access, CSV or XML format.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

We needed to create a directory of people that could be publicly accessible, but we also needed to allow authorized users to have the ability to edit and update that directory. We were able to do this with Caspio.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
19 мая 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Мэтт Л.
«Платформа без кода, которая дает нам преимущество»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Caspio gives me the opportunity to create great software as a side effort to my primary responsibilities. I have coded from scratch in the past but don't have time to build full data structures myself. As a small service business, I have been able to build a completely custom operating system for our company...all while still operating our business. Caspio helps me reduce my time to market by giving me standard tools to work with but still allowing quite a bit of flexibility. I also really like Caspio's support lately. It's amazing to be able to chat with a really knowledgable agent and get real answers quickly.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

The only thing I wish Caspio would improve on is some of their UI components. A stronger card based interface and tables that have a more modern look-n-feel would be a welcome addition to their current offering.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio helps me standardize my data structures and provides simple ways to deploy new features in my application. One of the things that is super beneficial and that I overlook often is the fact that using Caspio technologies essentially means that my software has no bugs! As I use the standard features and products that Caspio offers, they do all the testing to ensure quality so it leaves me to simply customize and deploy. When I consider that against my previous software experiences, that saves me an entire quality department and process.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
16 мая 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Дэйв В.
«Лучшее решение с низким кодом, которое я когда-либо оценивал»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I do IT support as my primary occupation and have jumped off into application development for a few projects. Caspio is hands down my top choice for low-code solutions. The platform works very well which is of course important, and the ability to do advanced customizations makes it so that Caspio can handle almost any project I can envision. What really sets Caspio apart, though, is the quality of the support experience, which is the very best of the various software companies I work with. Every single one of the technicians I've spoken with has been knowledgeable and helpful and friendly. It seems like several of the support staff aren't based in the US, which in other companies might be a challenge due to language barriers, but not so with Caspio - everyone I've spoken with speaks perfect English and they are all very bright and capable. Shoutout to Luis and Mary and Christian and Carlo and Volodymyr and the other techs I've worked with - top notch support!!! I'm super impressed with the speed of response, too - within moments of starting a chat session I am working with someone to resolve my issues.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

The platform uses something called datapages, which is a uniquely Caspio way of doing things, and it took a little getting used to. Now that I'm more comfortable with it, I find that I actually prefer it in many ways to other tools I've used. Certain advanced database features aren't available, such as UNION queries, but that's probably a good thing from a speed perspective. It does make you reimagine how you're going to build things, and what I've found is that there's almost always a workaround that allows you to move forward, probably even better than what was originally intended.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

I've used Caspio to build some full-fledged business management applications for customers. For example, I got a call on a Thursday evening from a men's homeless shelter with an emergency need. Their previous software had gone down and was unrecoverable, and they were now unable to keep track of their guest checkins. By Monday morning I had a new solution developed, and by Thursday morning. less than a week after getting the initial call, I was able to put the new system in place, tested and with all their previous data imported. They liked it so well that they had me expand it to accommodate their Women's Center, and then I added on a whole new Point of Sale functionality to manage their Thrift Store as well. The whole project cost less for them to have developed using Caspio than what their annual support cost them for their previous software.

Предприятие (> 1000 эмп.)
03 мая 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Марк Т.
«Отличный продукт и превосходная поддержка»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

A very good low code tool. Many features to help design and create apps. The support is excellent, and the video training tools very helpful. Product overall is highly usable.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Nothing is particular in terms of functionality. Could be less expensive for Colleges to integrate into curriculum. It is very important for vendors to support Higher Ed so we can teach valuable emerging skills.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

We have used Caspio to create apps with our department. We also use Caspio in a Systems Design course for students to build an application as they move through the System Development Lifecycle Process and Agile methods.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
26 Апрель, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Джонатан С. аватар
Джонатан С.
Директор по маркетингу и предложениям
«Отличный вариант для малого бизнеса»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Attentive Customer Success Manager and support staff. The additional available one on one training is great. The pricing structure has a good balance of included features. It is a solid platform.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

The logic programming is not as intuitive as I would like. (It might be me, nah I'm awesome...) CASPIO seems to work best when deployed via a hosted sight. I got started in Quickbase years ago and liked their built-in dashboard options.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio allowed me to ditch the multitude of Excel spreadsheets used when I joined the company I work for now. Excel is a great first step, but CASPIO allowed me to take our client services to a higher level. I can now enable our clients to see and interact with their data from where ever they are in real-time.

Средний рынок (51–1000 эт.)
21 Апрель, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Джефф В.
«Гибкая платформа – используется для нескольких проектов».
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

The platform is highly versatile and flexible. We are currently using it for the following applications: Repair tracking, credit card payment and NPS surveys. Majority of the applications are automated and require very little intervention by the users.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

It does require some coding which can be overwhelming for a beginner. The Caspio support team has been great when assistance is needed.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Using Caspio for the following two applications: 1. The customers can track the status of units being repaired and enter credit card information. 2. NPS surveys are sent to customers after each interaction with the technical support and repair teams.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
17 февраля, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Джина А. аватар
Джина А.
Директор по распределению и партнерству
«Отличная платформа без кода»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

I love the product itself-- the platform has allowed me to develop a highly-customized application system and database to run a scholarship program and financial aid assessment tool for private schools to use to set affordable tuition rates for their families. Caspio provided excellent training that allowed me to build this system, as well as ongoing support that walked with me in all the technical issues I've created for myself in the last 5 years. They also provide continuous updated and upgrades to the platform that have enhanced the experience tremendously since I started using it in 2018.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

There are some limitations within the system but they can almost always be overcome or worked around. The support both from staff and from fellow developers is key in helping with overcoming any issues encountered.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio solved my need for a customizable database system capable of handling large, cascading numerical calculations, as well as user-friendly applications for parents to complete for their private schools.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
14 февраля, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Марк М.
«Каспий – неизменно высокие стандарты»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

You can get things done, fast, with very little knowledge of coding that would normally be much more time-consuming and\or expensive to achieve.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Only downside is that the only payment option is credit card. As a UK customer, I get charged FX fees as well as the credit card fees.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio allows me to develop some fairly sophisticated databases for a small number of customers who are totally dependent on them to run their service.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
20 января, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Уэйн К.
Руководитель отдела соответствия инновациям
«Отличный продукт, отличная поддержка»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

The caspio support team are fast and capable and I'm always suprised how they really are 24/7 and 365 days a year. They are really helpful and often answer quickly.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Its a large capable product, as such you can often solve the same problem using multiple methods. Picking the correct method can sometimes be tricky. I find the templates and youtube channel alot to help.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

We need a time recording and business management system for our international innovation bid writting and support team. Its worked so well that we are now in the process of rolling it out as an external service.

Средний рынок (51–1000 эт.)
20 октября, 2022
Общий рейтинг:
Брайан В. аватар
Брайан У.
Исполнительный Рекрутер
«Удивительный и недооцененный»
Что вам больше всего нравится в Каспио?

Allows anyone to create apps like a pro.

Что вам не нравится в Каспио?

Some of its features are not documented.

Какие проблемы решает Caspio и какую пользу это приносит вам?

Caspio allowed me to become like a full-stack developer. I was able to create an entirely functioning web application of over 50,000,000 records.