Notion — это универсальное рабочее пространство, объединяющее документы, вики и управление проектами. Десятки тысяч команд по всему миру используют его для совместной работы, получения информации и достижения большего вместе.
Возможности |
сегмент |
развертывание | Облако / SaaS / веб-интерфейс, настольный компьютер Mac, настольный компьютер Windows, мобильный Android, мобильный iPad, мобильный iPhone, локальный Linux |
Поддержка | Круглосуточно (живой представитель), чат, электронная почта/служба поддержки, часто задаваемые вопросы/форум, база знаний, поддержка по телефону |
Обучение | Документация |
Языков | Английский |
Несмотря на то, что Notion является относительно новым продуктом в области управления проектами, он довольно быстро развивался, чтобы удовлетворить потребности своих пользователей. Это платформа, отличающаяся своей универсальностью, и это хорошо известный вариант для отдельных лиц и команд, которым нужен надежный инструмент для организации задач и управления ими — от ведения заметок до углубленного управления проектами.
Но включает ли он лучшие методы управления проектами помочь вам или вашей команде организоваться?
Давайте выясним.
Notion — это облачное рабочее пространство, где отдельные люди и небольшие команды могут делать заметки, создавать документы, отслеживать проекты, а также организовывать задачи и управлять ими в одном месте. Его часто называют рабочим пространством «все в одном», поскольку пользователи могут объединять все свои проекты на одной платформе.
Популярность Notion среди профессионалов и студентов объясняется его персонализацией, которая подходит для любого рабочего процесса. Как пользователь, вы сможете свободно настраивать макет своего рабочего пространства, одновременно получая полезные рекомендации и шаблоны, которые помогут вам начать работу.
Компания Notion, основанная в 2016 году, начинала свою деятельность как приложение для заметок но превратился в всеобъемлющий инструмент управления проектами для индивидуальных предпринимателей и небольших команд. Миссия платформы — дать людям возможность формировать инструмент повышения производительности, который они используют каждый день, в соответствии со своими потребностями.
Каждая функция Notion разработана, чтобы помочь пользователям быть максимально организованными.
Платформа разделена на страницы, которые можно вкладывать или связывать между собой по вашему усмотрению. Как только вы зарегистрируетесь, вы будете перенаправлены на экран приветствия, содержащий несколько советов по началу работы. Сюда входят связанные видео, которые помогут вам создать первую страницу и настроить списки дел и проекты.
С левой стороны вы найдете список страниц по умолчанию, таких как «Быстрая заметка», «Личный дом» и «Список задач», которые вы можете настроить и добавить. Всякий раз, когда вы создаете новую страницу, она отображается на левой панели. Вы можете добавлять на свои страницы персонализированные изображения заголовков, описательные комментарии и связанные значки.
Просто щелкните в любом месте страницы, чтобы добавить блоки для отдельных частей контента, таких как текст, списки, мультимедиа, ссылки и подстраницы. Вы также можете просто ввести «/», чтобы открыть меню блоков, которые вы можете добавить на новую страницу.
Хотя Notion начинался как приложение для создания заметок, оно превратилось в нечто большее. Этот инструмент имеет многообещающие функции, которые выходят за рамки создания списков дел и делают его компетентным приложением для повышения производительности и управления проектами.
Похвальной особенностью Notion является то, что в платформу уже встроены руководства пользователя. Например, если вы хотите создать новый документ, вы найдете инструкции о том, как максимально эффективно использовать предустановленную страницу.
Конечно, это может быть как удача, так и промах. Некоторые пользователи могут быть благодарны за пошаговые руководства, в то время как другие могут быть разочарованы тем, что вручную удаляют предустановленные страницы руководств, чтобы очистить свое рабочее пространство.
Notion позволяет легко создавать страницы и документы в любом стиле. Страницы похожи на папки, в которых вы можете хранить всю информацию, относящуюся к определенной теме. Вы можете включать на свои страницы ряд блоков или элементов, таких как текст, списки переключателей, списки дел, изображения, ссылки на видео, таблицы, доски и карты.
Каждое изменение, которое вы вносите на страницу или блок, автоматически сохраняется в Notion. Таким образом, вы всегда можете вернуться и просмотреть историю страницы, если хотите что-то восстановить. Это очень полезно, если вы допустили ошибку или просто хотите поэкспериментировать с разными версиями страницы.
Notion также очень щедр, когда дело касается шаблоны. Он предоставляет пользователям массу возможностей, независимо от того, создают ли они сообщения в блогах, статьи, расписания мероприятий или планы запуска продуктов. К счастью, все шаблоны полностью настраиваются, поэтому вы можете изменить их по своему вкусу, не создавая их с нуля. Платформа также поощряет пользователей отправлять свои собственные шаблоны, чтобы библиотека расширялась и соответствовала более широкому кругу потребностей.
Пользователи могут создавать разные рабочие области для разных проектов, что полезно, если вам нужно управлять несколькими проектами одновременно. У каждого рабочего пространства будут свои страницы, поэтому вся ваша информация останется отдельной и организованной.
Notion позволяет вам приглашать других людей в свое рабочее пространство, чтобы вы могли сотрудничать в режиме реального времени. Максимальное количество гостей, которых вы можете принять одновременно, зависит от выбранного вами плана.
Как и должно быть в хорошем рабочем пространстве, Notion интегрируется с широким спектром популярных инструментов повышения производительности, поэтому вы можете легко обмениваться информацией между используемыми вами платформами. К этим инструментам относятся Slack, GitHub, Zoom, Trello, Google Drive и другие.
Например, вы можете использовать интеграцию с Google Диском, чтобы быстро добавлять файлы с вашего Google Диска и делиться ими непосредственно в рабочей области Notion.
Notion AI — относительно новая функция для рабочих пространств. Это подключенный помощник на базе GPT-3, разработанный, чтобы помочь повысить вашу креативность и быстрее писать контент. По сути, это устраняет необходимость переключаться между вашей работой и отдельным инструментом на базе искусственного интеллекта.
Эта функция может помочь вам генерировать идеи для публикаций в блогах, публикаций в социальных сетях, пресс-релизов, описаний вакансий, повесток дня встреч и многого другого. Вы также сможете обобщать фрагменты контента, исправлять орфографию и грамматику и переводить текст (английский, испанский, китайский и французский).
Лица, работающие внештатно, выиграют от такого организационного инструмента, как Notion. Это может помочь в различных процессах, таких как:
Небольшие профессиональные команды могут извлечь выгоду из функций Notion, поскольку они гарантируют, что все члены команды могут совместно работать над одним и тем же инструментом для разных целей. Эти цели включают в себя:
Студенты также эффективно используют Notion благодаря его впечатляющим возможностям ведения заметок и организации. Учащиеся могут легко систематизировать свои заметки по классам и отслеживать все прочитанное и задания (по сроку сдачи) для каждого класса. Самое приятное то, что Notion может даже упростить совместную работу над групповыми проектами, поскольку бесплатный план позволяет делиться информацией с 10 гостями.
Понятие выделяется двумя основными способами; его легко настраивать для поддержки любого рабочего процесса, и он объединяет всю работу в одном общем месте.
В отличие от многих инструментов повышения производительности, Notion не фокусируется только на решении одной проблемы, например организации. Конструкция Notion дает пользователям свободу формировать свое рабочее пространство так, как им удобно. С одной стороны, люди могут использовать его для хранения своих заметок, списков дел, календарей и журналов на одной доступной платформе. Кроме того, профессиональные команды могут использовать его для создания совместной документации, планов развития продуктов и вики-сайтов для своей компании.
Notion имеет четыре тарифных плана: Free, Plus, Business и Enterprise.
К сожалению, ни один из планов не включает Понятие ИИ потому что это необязательное дополнение. Стоимость подписки составляет 8 долларов США в месяц на одного участника, а ежегодная оплата составляет 96 долларов США. Если вы предпочитаете платить ежемесячно, это обойдется вам дешевле. $10/в месяц на одного участника.
Notion следует похвалить за его простоту, узнаваемость и доступность. Если вам нужно простое решение начального уровня для создания контента, планирования и управления проектами, то Notion — отличный выбор.
При этом крупные предприятия со сложными потребностями могут не рассматривать платформу как достаточно комплексную, чтобы оптимизировать управление проектами. Однако Notion — это инструмент, который постоянно развивается и усердно работает над улучшением своих возможностей, чтобы он подходил предприятиям любого размера.
Если вы хотите продолжать проверять другие Программное обеспечение для управления проектами это может подойти вам больше, Findstack есть больше полезных обзоров и идей, на которые вы можете взглянуть. Наша цель — помочь вам найти правильный инструмент для ваших нужд.
What I like best about Notion is its versatility. It allows me to organize and collaborate on various types of content in one place, such as documents, databases, and task lists. The ability to customize and structure information according to my needs is a standout feature.
What I dislike about Notion is its occasional sluggishness and performance issues, especially when dealing with larger databases or complex pages. Improvements in speed and responsiveness would greatly enhance the overall user experience.
Notion solves the problem of scattered and disorganized information by providing a versatile platform to organize and collaborate on various content types. This benefits me by allowing efficient management and customization of information, enhancing productivity and clarity in my work.
It allows you to create and organize various types of content, such as notes, documents, databases, and even project management boards, all within one platform. It's so convenient.
find that the lack of offline access is one of the downsides of Notion. It would be more convenient if I could access my documents and make edits even when I don't have an internet connection.
It's convenient that all the notes are in the same place and easy to access. AI helps with everything.
I love that Notion allows me to easily organize and manage all aspects of my personal and professional life in one place. It's incredibly versatile and customizable, making it the perfect tool for staying organized and productive.
Sometimes, the database building/linking can be a bit complex.
It allows me to store all important information in one place and also build standard operating procedures with my team
Being able to put things into blocks, sharing and being able to cooperate with other users on the same project
It takes some time to learn more advanced features
Works as an intranet for remote companies
Notion is amazing. The central databases and the way everything can be connected and/or broken off into separate pages for each entry is insanely powerful!
There's nothing to dislike about Notion.
The main problem Notion solves that nothing ever has been able to before is give me an "everything" platform. I literally host all of my information and can manage that information within Notion without integrations (although they're available when needed too!)
I recently had the opportunity to experience the integration of AI with Notion, and I must say, it has been a game-changer. The ability to leverage AI to organize content, check writing, and integrate seamlessly with websites and Google tools has greatly enhanced my productivity and efficiency. One of the standout features is the AI-powered content organization. It's incredible to see how AI algorithms can analyze and categorize large volumes of information, making it easier to find and access relevant content quickly. This has saved me countless hours of searching and scrolling, allowing me to focus more on the tasks at hand. The writing assistance provided by AI is another standout feature. Not only does it offer helpful grammar and spelling checks, but it also suggests improvements to sentence structure and overall clarity. This has significantly improved the quality of my writing and saved me from embarrassing mistakes. The seamless integration with websites and Google tools is also worth mentioning. Being able to have Notion seamlessly interact with other platforms and tools I use daily has streamlined my workflow and eliminated the need for manual data entry or switching between multiple applications. Everything is now in one place, making it much easier to stay organized and efficient. Lastly, the AI's creative capabilities have been a pleasant surprise. The ability to generate unique and inspiring content has sparked my creativity and allowed me to think outside the box. Whether it's coming up with new ideas or creating visually appealing designs, the AI integration in Notion has truly expanded my creative horizons. Overall, the integration of AI with Notion has transformed the way I work and has become an invaluable tool in my daily routine. Its ability to organize content, enhance my writing, seamlessly integrate with other tools, and unlock my creativity is simply remarkable. I highly recommend exploring the AI features in Notion to experience the benefits firsthand.
While copying and pasting text can be a convenient way to transfer information, it can sometimes be cumbersome and time-consuming. It may require formatting adjustments and can result in errors or inconsistencies. Additionally, if the text being copied contains links or images, they may not be preserved in the paste. However, there are alternative methods to extract or share content from Notion documents, such as exporting to different file formats or using integrations with other tools.
Notion has proven to be a valuable asset in tackling organizational challenges in my business. This powerful tool, in conjunction with Google tools, has greatly enhanced my ability to take notes and create a comprehensive wiki knowledge base for both personal and business tasks. Moreover, Notion excels as a collaborative platform, particularly when it comes to brainstorming with others.
Before Notion my business & personal admin were in chaos and although I tried several similar apps previously, nothing ever worked for me until I started using Notion. Being able to customize pages & layouts in so many ways has meant that I can finally create a system that works for me - I love it so much that I tell everyone to go & try it & use it as a platform to work with my clients too!
There are very few things I don't like about Notion! However, I would like to be able to change the background colours of different pages/ sections in order to make the content easier to read & section off.
I didn't think I could rate Notion any higher but the new AI feature has undoubtedly changed this! Using AI as part of my Notion workflow has meant that I can save time, work more effectively, get support with my writing style & tone, & best of all Notion AI can do research for me and break down information into bullet points & summaries. As someone who struggles with these types of tasks but needs to complete them regularly as part of my workflow, Notion AI is super valuable to me & now I've got it I don't think I could go without!
Holy smokes...I've used Notion in the past on and off and am skeptical about apps that charge subscription fees for AI when I already subscribe to GPT Plus. The integration makes a huge difference in and the beta feature for Q&A is outstanding, a chatbot trained on your data? This is a gamechanger, not because it's the only app that can do it, but it's ease of use and seamless integration are amazing. I've been a longtime Roam Research believer, but they've fallen far behind and AI is an afterthought, whereas it's fully integrated with Notion.
Notion does have some complexity compared to other note-taking apps and it's not the only one with AI. Mem and others are also good, but I think in terms of sheer versatility, is a gamechanger for me.
It's hard to give Notion a single job. Many people refer to it as the operating system for their life. It's certainly capable of that (with some configuration) and what Notion can be is largely limited by your imagination. I'm using it to track projects, act as a knowledge base and manage projects.
One of Notion's standout features is its unparalleled flexibility. Whether you're managing personal projects, collaborative work, or even tracking your fitness goals, Notion adapts to your needs effortlessly. The ability to create custom databases, pages, and templates empowers users to tailor their workspace to match their unique workflows.
While Notion stands out as a powerful productivity tool, there are a few areas that might be considered drawbacks. One notable aspect is the potential for information overload, especially as the workspace becomes more intricate.
Information Centralization: Notion solves the problem of scattered information by providing a centralized platform. Before using Notion, I often found myself jumping between different apps for note-taking, task management, and collaborative work. Notion consolidates all these aspects into one cohesive workspace, reducing the need for multiple tools and streamlining my workflow. Flexible Workspaces: The ability to create custom databases, pages, and templates in Notion addresses the challenge of rigid tools. Whether I'm managing personal projects, team tasks, or tracking goals, Notion's flexibility allows me to tailor workspaces to my specific needs. This adaptability has significantly improved my organization and project management.
I love that it is so adaptable, it is truly a sandbox and the possibilities are infinite. I love that it is a really simple and clean interface, with no designs forced on the user. This frees up so much brain space and allows me to be creative in my own way. I love that it is making me more organised every day. As I use it more and more I am getting to know it's capabilities and it is making my life so much easier. As an entreprenuer, I am using it to power my business relaunch and it's keeping me on track with what I need to do. I love that it is constantly growing with me!
It can feel a little overwhelming to start with but I think that's kind of necessary as it is very is very quick to learn, and I think if features were hidden etc it would get frustrating. I think the throw yourself in there and get on with it approach works well! Sometimes the AI goes down, this can be frustrating.
Notion is truly becoming my second brain! It gives me somewhere to dump out all my thoughts, get them organised and allow me the brain space to think clearly and be creative as I need to be. It also really keeps me on track with where I am with everything. It is also a bit like having a personal assistant. It helps me get things done, and I often use it to tell me what to do when I'm not sure what I need to do! Having ADHD and being a entreprenuer (and mum) means that I am always working on a million and one projects, Notion is really helping me follow through and feel so much more organised, especially when I have that dreaded brain fog! I can't stress enough how much Notion is benefitting me, reducing my stress levels, helping me be successful in my business and making me feel so much calmer. I feel like it will be able to grow with me too. I have already started using it for my home stuff as well. I just love the endless possibililties! I have attempted to use several project management solutions in the past but they never stick, I always end up feeling restricted by them. Notion blows them all out of the water because you can make it exactly what you need it to be, no one telling you you must do it a certain way etc, and I've yet to encounter something that I wanted to do with it but couldn't. It genuinely feels like anything is possible! It is truly absolutely genius and I can't recommend it highly enough! Thanks Notion!
it helps me keep my class notes organized. Also I can have pages inside pages and that is the most helpful tool for a law student who needs to have notes and "case briefs" inside those notes. Also AI really helps and saves times in making my headings etc. It is super easy to use and it has so many features that I can use to my advantage. From making tables and headings to keep a bulleted or numbered list.
I still don't know how to use the calendar. I wish it would be simpler to put my tasks in there so instead of using google calendar, I can have all my asignments in one place.
Notion is helping me to keep my school notes organized and that is th best when it comes to participating in class. I do not have to spend time looking for my noites or cases. I know exaclty where they are. Also it let me do a canvas page with my courses and it is amazing how I have every single detail of every class added to it. I don't even have to use my school canvas, just to submit assignments.
I love the amount of content you can save and how easy it is to separate and order everything, making it easy to find what you need. I use it for business content and personal life. It's the best.
I can't think of any down side. It's a great product.
I'm not great at remembering things, and everything I need to remember is saved in notion for me to look at when needed. I plan projects and content using notion.
My favourite part about notion now is AI integration. It improves my work flow sooo much. The best part about it is that it improve your writing without going to over the top. For example when you ask chat gpt to improve your writing it no longer sounds like you. Notion has a happy in between.
Tables were horrible, but they have gotten a little better. I still think they have a long way to go though. Would be great to be able to wrap text or have more customization over text. I prefer coda in this instance, but the whole company is on notion so its hard to swift.
The main problem that notion solves for me is a place to write product requirement docs. As a product manager this is its primary use case. We also use it for internal docs. Overall the best thing about notion now is that i can write in about 3x the speed with the ai integrations.
I love Notion's customizable features and ability to build things spatially for how my brain works. This has made it easier to manage my tasks and workload.
The lack of math customization inside databases. For example, when I use "Numbers" on Mac, I can pick certain cells and add them up to get a sum. I can't do that with Notion (or at least not that I know of). Another example is being able to subtract - usually it just adds things up.
I can keep everything in one place - ideas, tasks, project management, etc. I am more productive because of this! I manage my clients' progress better, I am budgeting better, I am getting more done in less time. I build my dashboards for how I need things to look spatially which has helped a ton!
I am a Master's student and I have to write at least 3 papers a month. I found myself not stressing out about the writing part and focus more on comprehension and gaining actual insights to write about from my coursework experience. I feel that the effort for trivial parts of the assignment like sentence structure steals away time from and even slows down my learning process, and Notion AI is a huge help. I can convert my original shorthand notes to a write up that adheres to specified word limits. I've tried other AI writers out there- and Notion is one of the best for professional writing.
The "make longer" AI command could be a little more intuitive with more varied sentence structure. Also the "simplify" command does not really change the tone of a sentence how you would want to. Other than that, it's a pretty powerful tool.
The way I take notes is very cluttered. I read a lot of materials and integrating the core concept of everything I read into a single and effective write up is a challenge. But Notion does a great job of conceptual blending.
I love how versitle Notion is. I can go from organizing my thoughts to creating content using the AI feature. I use Notion all day long. It has become the brain of my business!
My only complaint is to be sure if you want to pay annually or monthly in the begining because you can only switch frequency at the end of your monthly or yearly term.
Notion helps me keep my business AND team organized. We are able to collab while also inviting clients as guests to work along side of us. It's extremely helpful!
Notion is a product that I use on a daily basis as a task manager, a note-taking system, and a place to store ideas and thoughts. Since Notion AI was introduced, I have used it to sharpen my notes by using the "improve writing" feature, as well as using the summary block to create a brief blurb on my database to find notes quickly and easily. The AI writing assistant also helps me to develop ideas when I'm stuck on how to start something. Asking AI to write something, gives me a template to start and then develop those ideas further.
Notion is great for helping to create something tailored to your use case, however, that can be challenging at the beginning, as some may not have the time nor creativity to know what exactly they want to create. It can also sometimes get you bogged down in creating a system to help you, rather than getting on with the work you need to do. However, I have seen Notion developing instructional videos, and there are plenty of resources on YouTube to help you get up and running.
Notion has become my go-to system for all of my daily work. The ability to integrate all of your major work together and be linked so seamlessly helps me to keep track of plans and project details easily.
Notion provides the perfect amount of flexibility for any workspace. The new AI Writing Assistant is also the perfect way to do everything you need to (including writing or brainstorming with AI) within the notion. My favourite part about the notion is that you can easily make templates to help you scale whatever you're doing fast, and the design for pages is inherently sophisticated but also fun (with emojis, colour and cover photos). I use notion pretty much daily to plan for my business, do writing, manage life admin and finances, and keep notes for all my conversations and meetings. I especially love that I can pull it up on my phone anytime and quickly find whatever I want in minutes, even when I'm on the go! I love the notion template marketplace as well, you can always find a quick and easy way to create and make your processes faster! My new favourite tools have to be the built in AI which can do so many things for you, including tell you answers to content on a page!! So cool.
There is very little I don't like about the notion, but sometimes the offline experiences can be questionable (but honestly, it's probably because I'm using the wrong settings). There can be a tiny learning curve when you're first using it, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy to continue working in there forever.
- A clean workspace that had a clean and sophisticated design built into it - AI tooling built in and super easy to integrate into your routine with keyboard shortcuts. - An incredible free tier that you could use (almost) forever. - A super beautiful and customisable way to manage pretty much anything you're doing from the palm of your hand to your office. - it's lightweight and gives me just the right amount of tooling and information to build pages ready to be published in minutes better than you can in word/google docs(in docs you have to do hypercustom things to achieve the same result)! - incredible integrations with my favourite sites like Figma/Canva, so I can preview that work all in notion too!
The flexibility to be a place where I jot down ideas, brainstorm strategy, and track all of my tasks every day
I love everything! If I have to choose, it would be to have integrations with more tools.
Keeping track of all company knowledge and projects in one place.
How easy it is to create new pages/workspaces, summarise lectures, and to compose drafts for upcoming assessments.
The AI feature is occasionally unreliable.
Notion offers me a versatile workspace where I can expand and organise my ideas. It assists me in brainstorming innovative solutions for both university and work-related challenges.