Podbean размытие фона
Podbean Логотип
Платформа для хостинга и монетизации подкастов, созданная для вашего успеха
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Findstack бесплатен для пользователей, поскольку поставщики платят нам, когда получают веб-трафик и возможности продаж. Findstack В каталогах перечислены все поставщики, а не только те, которые платят нам, чтобы вы могли принять наиболее обоснованное решение о покупке.

Podbean Обзор цен

Podbean Тарифный план
Бесплатный план
Подписка (Внимание! - данная опция не работает на территории РФ)
Podbean имеет 4 тарифных плана: от 4 до 0.00 долларов США. Посмотрите различные тарифные планы ниже и определите, какой уровень и функции соответствуют вашему бюджету и потребностям.
Базовый (бесплатно)
Бесплатный план
Неограниченное аудио
/ Месяц
Неограниченный плюс
/ Месяц
/ Месяц
Информация о ценах на Podbean предоставляется поставщиком программного обеспечения или извлекается из общедоступных ценовых материалов. Информация о ценах в последний раз обновлялась 07 марта 2024 г. веб-сайт поставщика и может отличаться от фактического. Перед покупкой подтвердите покупку на сайте продавца.

Podbean Обзоры цен

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
сентябрь 28, 2021
Общий рейтинг:
Jennifer L.
"Podbean - Легко настроить подкаст"
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I like that I can easily add new episodes to my podcast. The setup is intuitive and straightforward, so that is appreciated. Podbean is also cost-friendly for small businesses or solopreneurs.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

I can't think of a dislike. Podbean offers an RSS feed that I have not used, so I can't speak to that, but once I get more episodes posted, then I will look into broadcasting on other sites my podcast.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

I use Podbean to offer my website content in podcast form. It helps me connect with people that are interested in audio content as opposed to reading our website content.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
21 октября, 2021
Общий рейтинг:
Гага Дж.
«Лучшее онлайн-программное обеспечение для публикации подкастов за свою цену»
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I love how easy it is to use podbean; it's user-friendly and beginner-friendly. I recommend it for everyone, the best software for the price.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

I don't dislike anything about podbean; the only thing they could improve on is their pricing plans; the pricing itself is really great, but I would like to have the full customization for the beginner plan too.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

I've solved the problem of not having to worry about where I'm going to publish my podcast. It's straightforward to use; you can post your podcast to all other significant apps and services from the same podbean admin panel.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
Август 10, 2023
Общий рейтинг:
Бен С. аватар
Бен С.
Видеооператор и видеоредактор
«Простое и эффективное решение для подкастов»
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I find the user interface, reporting, and customer support to be exceptional. The price point is also extremely competitive in the space. I've been using Podbean for over 6 months and have been completely satisfied.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

I've recently lost some FB integration with automatically posting the podcast link; however, I'm not entirely sure who is at fault. I also don't like that video podcasts and audio only can't be created under the same account -- you need 2 accounts.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

PodBean houses the RSS and Video feed for our parent company's weekly podcast feed.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
Июнь 07, 2019
Общий рейтинг:
Кейт Т. аватар
Кейт Т.
Кейт Тим
«Потрясающе простое приложение для подкастов!»
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I began podcasting almost two years ago. When I started, I used another hosting site which left me craving more. PodBean is unbelievably easy to fire up. Whether you're a podcast newbie or a seasoned veteran, you'll be publishing episodes in no time, with many customizable options. Every step of the way is explained, and you can crank out up to 10 hours with their free plan (upgrades are available in 3 other tiers). There are opportunities to monetize your podcast for serious creators, and the app has special features that I've never seen on other podcatchers.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

It is very hard to find a detailed explanation for refunds and cancellations on their annual premium plan. I would like to consider this upgrade, but not before I can appropriately research it.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

I wanted a simpler podcasting experience. No nonsense, no fuss. If I do wish to upgrade, it's only going to cost me $9 a month, and I will receive the upgrades I need and want. I'm appreciative that they don't charge you an arm and a leg to move to the first premium tier.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
22 октября, 2019
Общий рейтинг:
Проверенный рецензент
«Я счастлив PodBean Пользователь и очень рад порекомендовать его».
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I love the value and reliability of PodBean. We have used Podbean for around 18 months and currently host a weekly podcast with 73 episodes and moderately heavy traffic. PodBean has been reliable and affordable.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

I have almost no complaints about PodBean. I would like to see more customizable themes and slightly more control over the look and feel of the podcast website, but overall I am very happy.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

We host a weekly podcast. We have posted 73 episodes with an average length of 35 minutes, and we have moderate and steadily-growing traffic. The hosting has been rock solid and very affordable.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
09 ноября, 2021
Общий рейтинг:
Проверенный рецензент
«Простой в использовании, идеально подходит для запуска любого подкаста»
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

with one click, you can distribute your podcast to all major podcast platforms. you also get a free website with a player for all of your episodes. did my research and out of all of the offers out there, this was the best option for what I needed.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

When I first signed up, I didn't realize that each platform had it's own wait time to get your RSS feed approved. I didn't know so I waited for the launch day to publish and I missed my deadline because the episode didn't get launched. It would be very helpful to get a pop up with some sort of a reminder. "REMEMBER, SOME SERVICES MIGHT TAKE UP TO A WEEK TO APPROVE YOUR RSS FEED, WE RECOMMEND YOU PUBLISH A TRAILER EPISODE" or something of that nature. I know this was my mistake but that's a way of helping people not make the same mistake as a I did.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

I'm solving my publishing needs with podbean, I launch my episodes weekly and this is super easy and a true time-saver for me. I'm solving the need of using multiple platforms to manage my podcast.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
19 ноября, 2019
Общий рейтинг:
Джексон С. аватар
Джексон С.
Создатель Джексон Снайдер представляет радио
"Podbean это быстро и легко, отлично подходит для начинающих подкастеров».
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

I upload several long podcasts every week. Before Podbean, I chose managed my own site. In doing that I had complete freedom in presenting my materials, but it took a lot of my time. I went looking first for a host that offered -unlimited space-, a modest price, great ease and timeliness of uploading, a simple interface, the ability to share to social media sites and a large and ready group of downloaders. Podbean has all of those features plus automatic uploads to the podcast giants like Itunes and Google Podcasts. Podbean has all of these features. I have been on Podbean for nearly a year now and have gained new followers - more than I expected - and my podcast has the potential of being heard all over the world, and very easily at that. OK - Podbean is EASY use and podcasts are Easy for a listener to find. And EASY for a newbie to get started fast and maintain with limited effort. I like all these features.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

I do not like the way my podcasts appear. There are a few templates - and though my podcast falls into a major category (82% religion and spirituality), there are no templates that have anything to do with this vastly popular topic. Filling out the template is not WYSIWYG - it can appear to the podcaster one way and to the user another quite differently, especially in the "fill-in sections (fields)" - for me the default text often gets published with a background that obscures the text and/or text and background conflict. I guess I could build my own template; that is what I have done in the past which I wish to avoid. I would also like to be able to set the order of the podcasts, grouping them by subject matter, but there is little I can do about that. Of course, the uploads display in chronological order, but a great feature would be to implement a SQL service so they can be ordered as the author deems appropriate. Finally, the monthly price is a little steep at $29.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

Because I usually do 3 - 4 50-minutes shows per week, with Podbean I'm saving loads of time in posting them. That was my biggest problem before, which is now solved. And I'm actually saving a little money by abandoning the prior company I used for this purpose - after 18 years on, that company really did my wrong, and I had to find an alternative fast. In a very short time with little preparation I was able to make the switch.

Малый бизнес (50 или меньше компаний)
15 октября, 2021
Общий рейтинг:
Алекс Т. аватар
Алекс Т.
"PodBean отлично подходит для начинающих подкастеров»
Что тебе больше всего нравится в Podbean?

For first-time podcasters getting started, PodBean is well laid out, easy to use, and has some great tools to get started with your show.

Что тебе не нравится в Podbean?

It's a little basic and lacks in some of the advanced analytics that some other hosting sites have.

Какие проблемы есть Podbean решение и какую пользу это вам принесет?

It's easy to use and host your podcast on. It has a low monthly cost for hosting which makes it great for new podcasters.